Would it not be cool to look at people and know exactly when they are lying as soon as they start? That is some next level human psychology facet that would prove useful in interactions with people. Unless you are dealing with a CIA agent, a psychopath or a robot, there are always ways to tell when you are being lied to.

You see, people have these tics and mannerisms that manifest under duress or when they a covering up something. They are called tells and the key to knowing they are lying is to ask all the right questions and watch them come up.

What is even cooler is that you don’t need a degree in psychology to know when it’s happening. I will explain it to you in a simple way that you will find very useful and easy to understand. So, let’s get cracking and see what we got here and make you better than a spy.

The Myths are Not Real

 Do You Want To Become The Human Lie Detector The Myths are Not Real

Have you heard his preposterous myth that people who lie look to the left and avoid eye contact? I would write or insert an emoticon of me laughing right about here but this is serious business so, I’m gonna pass. That is a lie. Liars look you in the eye all the time to see if you believe their lies and honest people do it only like half of the time they are talking.

Not what you expected but then again, they are myths. First, cast these myths aside and read what I am about to disclose to you keenly.

  1. Handshake Test

A handshake can tell you a lot. If they crush your hand or twist it, they regard you in contempt. If it’s formal, they probably think you are worth the time and if they are humble about the whole thing, you will know.

  1. The Hand Gestures

Liars will try to emphasize what they are saying by painting pictures in your head and theirs as they go. This will be aided by a number of gestures that will show when they are getting agitated or distressed. Some can however be smart enough to avoid this waving of hands thing.

  1. Face Gestures

 Do You Want To Become The Human Lie Detector Face Gestures

During the Monica Lewinsky trial, Bill Clinton touched his nose a record 88 times and that was just so embarrassing. Anyway, what I was saying is, when these signs appear know that they mean something.

  1. The Tells

These are the things that people do under interrogation:

  • Clenching of hands or balling fists show dishonesty and distress.
  • Hands down or on hips will tell you that the person is being calm about the whole thing and probably honest.
  • Brushing down clothes or picking things that are not there shows dishonesty or contempt.
  • Hands in the pockets are cover for dishonesty because the hands will be shaking or sweating.
  • Arms crossed shows that the person is defensive and probably lying or disagreeing with you.
  • Placing of things between the two of you e.g. a cup or anything really, shows disagreement and possible dishonesty or trust issues.
  • Palms displayed show honest intentions.
  • Overdoing the palms display will be an indicator that they are on a lying roll.
  • Rubbing the neck, arm or face features show they are running out of wiggle room and are lying.
  • Clasped visible hands on chin or on the table will mean honesty.
  1. The Eyes

Do You Want To Become The Human Lie Detector The Eyes

The human eyes are expressive and keeping the feelings and lies out of them is difficult. They may be shifty or blinking and you will have to watch out for these signs. Also the direction in which they are looking at can tell when they are constructing a lie.

  1. Sweating and Adrenaline Induced Behavior

Light perspiration can tell you when someone is lying and when they are under this kind of distress, they have strange behaviors like repetition and too much gestures and the pitch in the voice changes. Depending on how it changes, you can tell who is lying.

Use of different tools such as the Burst Liars Review can help you detect a lie. Trust the body language because the power of words is very convincing and could cloud the fact that they are lying.

In Conclusion– You will need to be very observant, like Sherlock Holmes Observant because liars can eliminate these tells but they usually show up after some time. You just need to be there to see the mistakes and capitalize on them.

4.9/5 - (15 votes)


  1. Damn, I always thought someone is lying to me when they look away. I love your article! It’s informative and straight forward, it makes sense how the eye can express so many emotions than the rest of the body part. In fact, it can give a person away if you know them very well. I need to practice this!

  2. Phillip Scott

    Now I can tell if my employees are lying to me or not. Some people lie so blatantly that they can convince you anyhow. But that will be the end of it. This article has provided me with the necessary arsenal to catch a lie.

  3. Great program

  4. A practical approach to improving one’s lie detecting skills. The book is well written and contains photographs to illustrate common behavioral expressions of people from any culture or background.

  5. Great information .In reality, studies have shown that truth tellers will make eye contact only 60% of the time. Not only that, but liars actually tend to make more eye contact during conversations because they want to see if you believe what they’re saying.

  6. Gordon Pierson

    There are so many books published on the thing, and yes it is really important for all of us to be able to detect liars. The article is providing a great deal of information and yes it’s more like understanding the facial expression or body languages of a liar.

  7. Thelma Schulz

    Such reliable indicators of deception include certain kinds of verbal hesitations and evasions as well as specific body movements of which a deceiver is largely unaware.

  8. That is the detection of objects like a human eye has not been achieved with high accuracy using cameras and cameras cannot be replaced with a human eye. Detection refers to identification of an object or a person by training a model by itself. Detection of images or moving objects have been highly worked upon, and has been integrated and used in commercial, residential and industrial environments. But, most of the strategies and techniques have heavy limitations in the form of computational resources, lack of proper data analysis of the measured trained data, dependence of the motion of the objects, inability to differentiate one object from other, and also there is a concern over speed of the movement and Illuminacy

  9. Improve your lie-spotting abilities to up to 90% accuracy. Increase the honesty of your interactions. Learn the secrets of body language.

  10. Based on these new findings, it appears that people with superior verbal working memory and grace under pressure are likely to be the best liars.

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