This cosmic energy profile was created and written by the impressive Ric and Liz Thompson, who connect the human spirit with the universe. It sounds like hogwash until you use the program and discover that it has a lot of potential in reducing anxiety and keeping you in sync with your inner wisdom.

Once you know your Cosmic Energy Profile and your Galactic Profile, you’ll have a clear pathway for daily action. You will have a chance to give yourself a deep look into yourself and the universe to know where to go on your journey.

Cosmic Energy Profile Review – Get Answers FastCosmic Energy Profile Discover your Future

You know life has so much good in store for you and, according to them, it’s only a matter of knowing where to look. In a matter of minutes, with your name and birth date, your profile will be outlined. They follow the ancient Mayan astrological practices. This program written in English will help you get all the moves right. It is based on Mayan signs and calendars. And while it is a long-gone civilization, the Mayans were definitely ahead of their time when it comes to so many things. This gives credence to anything based on their output.

But before you can understand your cosmic energy profile, you need to take a closer look at cosmic energy. Ramona Sinha, a yoga practitioner, defined cosmic energy as “the life force that is existent everywhere.” It is something that is essential in maintaining order in our lives.

Freedom and destiny go hand in hand and can be tapped into by using the cosmic energy profile. You will have a better day and a better life when you follow the steps that the universe outlines for you.

Also, this first energy profile is said to be just the tip of the iceberg in this monumental exploration. They also have different cosmic analyses that will finetune your universal frequency and clear the path for you.

Cosmic Energy Profile Review – What it isCosmic Energy Wisdom, Knowledge and Research

According to several reviews, this is more than just a profile with a table of contents. We can call it a system working in harmony to create the perfect and most well-balanced guide to life that you will enjoy. The cosmic energy profile works with every part of our life.

The combination of all those ancient methods, all put together in one place, outline a star map to help you reach the life that is the best for you. You would be wise to think of it as a signature master blueprint of life.  It will be as if life talked to you and gave you the best of advice. It’s as if it cleared a path that you can see for miles ahead.

Wisdom, knowledge, and research made the creation of this cosmic energy profile guide possible. This means that you are accessing thousands of years of wisdom in one single place. Simple steps are also included with it. And when we talk about the future, nothing compares to the Mayan knowledge. This civilization studied celestial movements extensively. The Mayan calendar is still being studied by experts to this day. Their study gave rise to many techniques that harness the energy of the sun and the universe.

The dreams you have and the paths you intend to lead are possible when you have this cosmic map. Your intuition is already aligned with the universe. That’s why you are here. Now, you can let it flow free without any fears on the way.

A lot of people might ask the question – does this system work? The cosmic energy profile reviews that users have given show that you will be getting what is good and will not regret learning what the stars plan for you.

Cosmic Energy Profile Review – How it WorksCosmic Energy Mayan Day Sign

I am so glad you asked. I’ve been waiting to tell you exactly what the cosmic energy profile has and how it works. Therefore, let’s get to know exactly what has been included in the cosmic energy profile and how it will help you have all the freedom and path guidance you need.

The cosmic energy profile is all about the individual energies you have in you tied into the day you were born and the path the universe wants you to follow. You see, these energies are tied into your daily life. Being aware, you are going to have a way that will lead to a freer spirit. Even more, you will learn to control energy within you.

Also, this cosmic energy profile is a program with complex calculations designed with astronomy and astrology together. Mayans used to trace their Cosmic Profile with mathematical precision. This can only be done through customization and individual information. Well, you’ll get that here.

This is the beauty of the program as it is accurate and precise, exactly what you need. The lost knowledge and alignment calculations will give you the path to fulfill your destiny.

The Personal Destiny ChartCosmic Energy Profile Personal Destiny Chart

Different programs can interpret your date of birth, your name, and other personal information. The Mayans were not the only people to look into destiny. Even the ancient Chinese took the study of one’s destiny very seriously. People have long believed that the day you are born and the name given to you will affect what will happen to you in the future.

Users of the destiny chart will profit immensely from it. They will learn about their own strengths and limitations by inputting their name, date of birth, and email address.

The transformation and energies are in many forms. We will take a brief look at all of them.

Guide Kin

This is the sign of the higher self that represents you as an individual. You will also find elements of ancestry and karma, which will lead to the rest of your life. You will find that it has more power than you think.

Occult Kin

The reasons why you are on planet earth are outlined in the occult kin. Knowing this will bring magical transformations too. You must follow them to make things better. Some individuals might take these things as advice. Alignment with the reasons why you are here increases your influence in the world.

There are several studies conducted on the effects of finding one’s purpose in life. In a study mentioned in Everyday Health, knowing one’s purpose decreased the mortality rate. Meaning people tend to live longer when they know why they are here.

Destiny Kin

There are specific manifestations of your life that you will find in the destiny charts, and they are integrated with your life. If you pay attention to these things, you will know how they will appear to you in this world. There is a deeper and richer understanding gained.

Antipode Kin

The empowering energy is latent in every human. It has challenged kings and queens to do what they must. This is the internal drive. A will that inspires fame and achievement. You will find your way to the pinnacle and prime of life. This is our masculine energy.

Analog Kin

The analog kin is the feminine power. It is the complement of the antipode kin. It works with your nourishing forces and your power to make things last. The feminine power that is in the universe will give you the power you will need to complete your path.

Authors of the Cosmic Energy Profile?Cosmic Energy Profile The Authors

Ric and Liz Thompson, the Cosmic Energy Profile guide authors, have worked tirelessly to decode the Aztecs’ old Mayan calendar. They have spent years researching several calendars, testing, and experimentation with this system, resulting in the new Dreamspell copy of the Mayan calendar.

The content of this program is based on scientific principles. The guide unlocks the information of a person’s fate when he enters his date of birth into the calendar.

What You Learn

To grasp how the cosmic energy profile works, explore each of the profile’s features and how they will improve your daily life. The following is a review of the analysis’ main features.

Free Energy Profile

You can obtain a free cosmic energy profile by visiting the official site of the company. Provide your name, email address, and precise birthdate to learn about your Galactic Signature, your cosmic tone, the color linked with your signature, and your day sign.

While this information is only the beginning of knowing your cosmic energy, they are a more important starting point. You may quickly understand how your energy interacts with the cosmos on a high level.

Knowing how the flow will affect your strengths and daily problems and obtaining useful recommendations such as meditation prompts provides you with on-the-spot action information to get you started on your life path.

Full Cosmic Energy Profile

Comprehensive cosmic energy profiles can provide you with fascinating insights into your life and the world. Your Full Cosmic Energy Profile encompasses your complete Destiny Chart and will help you gain the most in-depth insight into the universal creation process and your true nature.

The first keys to transforming your life are having a thorough profile of your higher self, specifics on your support and strengthening signs, and the symbol of your hidden power. Don’t worry, once you have this information, you won’t have to trawl the internet for instructions on using it. A major part of the entire profile is translating meaning into real-world action actions that you can adopt to achieve immediate results and enjoyment in your daily life.

Daily Cosmic Energy Reading

This is the icing on the cake for this ground-breaking profile. While your energy is sealed in and steady, the power of the universe fluctuates daily. In fact, some scientists believe that it is because of these energy fluctuations that galaxies were able to form. And these fluctuations can also affect your destiny. This daily energy reading is provided via email once a week on Sundays, with a preview of what to expect for the coming week. You can get all these when you sign up for a trial membership on their site. Click and check your spam box in case you can’t find it.

You can use this tool to prepare for what is to come by aligning your energy to flow with each moment and fulfill your full potential. This can eventually erase the impression that the entire universe is against you, allowing you to exploit the tides to make success a breeze.

Who Should Purchase An In-Depth Cosmic ProfileCosmic Energy Profile Deeper Look deeper on your Profile

Are you continuously looking for a sign or solutions but not finding them? Do you ever feel as though nothing goes your way? Have you experienced a run of “poor luck” that you can’t seem to break?

Perhaps it isn’t all horrible. I understand. I had the same reaction. But I also felt as if I had so much more services to offer the world but didn’t know-how. If you feel like you’re not living up to your full potential in any area of your life, a detailed cosmic profile can assist.

While there are so many naysayers regarding believing in such things as cosmic energy, there are some researches that look into the benefits of energy healing. It requires a deep scientific understanding of topics like quantum physics and biochemistry. In a particular study, the researchers established that energy maintains and directs one’s health and wellness. Then it is no surprise that energy can also have an effect on one’s future.

Who Should Not Purchase An In-Depth Cosmic Profile

It is oftentimes difficult to relate destiny with reality. But people are slowly realizing the effectiveness of manifestation. People believe that it is all about harnessing energy. The approach of using energy to “control” one’s future has similar approaches as using positive emotions, self-fulfilling prophecies, and other scientifically-proven concepts of psychology.

But here’s the thing: not everyone is ready to realize their full potential. People will discover certain realities about themselves that they may not be ready to hear. If you aren’t open to new options or aren’t willing to make changes to find pleasure and fulfillment, this may not be the ideal time for you.

Before you purchase your profile, consider the following:

  • Is it possible for me to achieve happiness and success beyond my wildest dreams?
  • Do I wish to discover the truth about my energy’s place in the universe?
  • Am I ready for wonderful things to come effortlessly to me?
  • Is this the time to effortlessly attract the people, energy, happiness, and opportunities I crave?

And it is important to note that it has to be real. Believing in manifesting success cannot be superficial. If you do it wrong, then it will not work no matter how much energy you put into it.

Masters Around The World

Ancient civilizations, such as the Mayans, made incredible progress in political, social, and science areas, from building crazy giant pyramids to creating the foundations of modern medicine.

Sadly, most of their knowledge was destroyed after the wars with Europeans. Ancient wisdom was almost destroyed. However, they managed to pass their knowledge through stories and songs.

There are small tribes of people around the world who still hold the wisdom of their ancient. For example, the people of Tibet, certain tribes in India, Bedouins in the deserts of Africa, and the Mayans, in Mexico.

Although most of the tribes that lived during those times have disappeared, many managed to stay alive. Down in the South of Mexico, there are still hundreds of Mayans. They are the direct descendants of that great civilization.

Mostly, they keep to themselves, trying to avoid contact with the modern world. However, from time to time, they teach foreigners or share their knowledge with the world. This is how this guide was created.

The Sun Dial or The Mayan CalendarCosmic Energy Profile Sun Dial or Mayan Calendar

If you Google Chichen Itza, you will find the remains of a structure called “The Observatory.” Archaeologists found that this structure had the precise angles and location to observe the sky.

Surprisingly, the Mayans were brilliant astrologists. They were able to map the movement of the Earth. Also, they mapped stars, constellations, and even predicted eclipses. There’s a famous story of a Spaniard trying to negotiate his freedom from a Mayan prison in exchange for the knowledge of predicting eclipses. The Mayans gave him a chance and, not only did they know already, the guy was not even close to the dates.

With all this knowledge, the Mayans developed a cosmic map called The Sun Dial. This life map is carved in a circular stone, and it contains secrets to the cyclical nature of the universe.

I don’t understand how it works. However, I know that this is how they got their Cosmic Energy profile. And this profile will give you a better chance of making proper strides in your life.

Now, after years of development, we can access that too. When I found out, I was dying to try it out.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

There are different depths to which people can know what the universe decided for them at birth. Review after review, I keep finding that many other users have found a perfect blueprint of their destiny.

See, the first step is to know your date and time of birth. That alone is the spark that triggers the sacred calculations for your destiny.

After that, through a series of other personal questions, you will learn more about how to follow your fate. Your energy comes to play, your preferences, the different stars, planets, and galaxies that interfere with you or work for you.

As people research further, they will find how the different energies in our bodies also affect our spiritual purposes. That’s why it’s important to learn your complete profile. That which you don’t know can manifest itself out of nowhere. Being blindsided can be debilitating for those of us who are committed.

Ultimately, you will be able to map out your every day, respond to situations as they come, and finally relieve yourself from the burden of the future.

Still, have doubts?

Of course, the glowing feedback may not be enough to persuade people to trust the Cosmic Energy Profile. But the makers have also taken care of your skeptical soul on this one.

You will receive a 7-day free trial program that you can cancel at any time! It is a trial subscription that can be upgraded to a monthly membership later on. Yes, there are several membership options. Some are monthly, while others are daily. And these are highly recommended because you will be able to impact every day of your life.

Consider being able to forecast all changes in universal patterns and make all things work for and with you. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And you know for a fact that you fully deserve it. You really have nothing to lose. But know that the more you believe that this system will help you achieve a better life, the better the results will be.

The Fool-Proof Method

The best about this? Anyone can understand it! Listen, I didn’t know much about these types of things until I started studying my Cosmic Profile. In the beginning, the system baffled me. It all seemed like a flood of information, and I didn’t know where to start.

However, my results were laid down clearly. Also, the connections between energies and stars are mapped in front of you. You don’t need to make extra calculations or guess things. Everything is there.

I swear, I wasn’t ready to learn so much about my life. Understanding how my fate was designed before I was born and seeing it in front of my eyes opened doors I didn’t expect.

With comprehension came understanding. With that came wisdom. After wisdom, I had a moment of release, forgiveness, which allowed me to move on to my present life. As life unfolds in front of my eyes, all I can do is feel at peace because I know I will always be ready. Now, nothing in this life can face me.

Final Verdict

The cosmic energy profile program is a home run, and people will get the best out of it if they follow it keenly and with caution not to overdo things. The science is exact, and, with all those great reviews, you will want to give this a try.

The program reviews back it up, and our cosmic energy profile review thinks it’s worth checking out. Don’t fear a scam because there is a warranty when you buy this program.

Cosmic Energy Profile

Get Your Cosmic Energy Profile Today And Find Out What It Can Tell You About What Your Destiny Holds!

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  1. Josephine Blanford

    Thanks for the review! I have always been interested in stuff like ancient calendars, so I will make sure to try this one 😉

  2. Cosmic energy is a product that without any doubt will give you the kind of results that you are looking for. Before I started using the product I was advised by friends of mine that had used it.

  3. Gregory Little

    It blew my mind the very first day and I bought it immediately. People, you have to try this!

  4. Elijah Cohrs

    This is a program that surely works differently from other programs. Provides tricks that are so much different. The author has designed the guide in a way you will be able to sink in the cosmic world and gain energy. I have used it and helped me a lot.

  5. Elizabeth C.

    Freedom and destiny go hand in hand and they can be tapped into by the use of this book. You will be able to have a better day and a better life when you follow the steps that they have given you.The book is said to be just the tip of the iceberg in this monumental topic that has a lot to offer in terms of life enhancement and guidance in following the destiny that was designed by the universe for you.

  6. I really do not have enough words to explain exactly how this one works but i think i am impressed by the results. It has opened my mind and enabled me see the world differently and it is something i like.

  7. You’ll get a free analysis of your galactic signature, and an in-depth look at your personal destiny chart. Finally, you’ll receive a daily personalized cosmic energy reading that will help you go with the flow of the universe and live every moment to the fullest.

  8. This will help you to understand your inner being as well as your outer representation. Since the moment of birth, every child has his or her universal energies.

  9. Gerald M.

    Receive a daily personalised cosmic energy reading that will help you go with the flow of the universe and live every moment to the fullest. Manifest your destiny.

  10. Warren Neely

    You’ll learn who will benefit the most from a cosmic energy profile, what you’ll uncover, how it can impact your daily life, and if it can actually work for you.

  11. Mable Tonkin

    Once you have learned about your Cosmic Energy Profile in addition to your Galactic Profile, you’ll have a clear path for daily action.

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