Thanks for taking the time to read my review of Basic Public Speaking Certification, an amazing digital course created by Dr. Steve G. Jones, backed by the NLP American Association. I am writing this review because I like to recommend things that, deliver more than what they promise, and have […]
Social Skills
Event Planning Blueprint Review: How To Simplify Event Planning
Event Planning is Easy You don’t believe me? It’s so easy! It just takes a few weeks of preparation, a few thousand dollars, the material of different types from different shops, sound systems, a good DJ, designs, uncertainties, problems, last day delays, unmatched schedule, backlogs, hassles, unanswered calls and phew! […]
Ways to Better Your Conversation
Our way of communicating with other people means a lot in day to day life. In most cases, people who do not know will judge you depending on your way of conversing. How you go about talking to people especially strangers is very important. For those who are business people, […]
Bust Liars Review: Do you know the signs of someone who is lying?
People lie every day. It’s not a conducive situation, but that’s just the way it is. The worst part ,is not knowing when you are being lied to, and when someone is being honest. I bet we would all love to have those instincts that tell us when someone is […]
Do You Want To Become The Human Lie Detector? Awesome
Would it not be cool to look at people and know exactly when they are lying as soon as they start? That is some next level human psychology facet that would prove useful in interactions with people. Unless you are dealing with a CIA agent, a psychopath or a robot, […]